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All questions and answers are subject to the official policy of the Board of Directors of Nueces County Community Action Agency. Each employee is provided a copy of the Employee Handbook which is the controlling employment document.


1. Where do I find out about jobs available?

Check our website for current job opportunities. You can find them under the Human Resources area. You can also learn of current job openings by checking the bulletin board at our Administration offices or at any of our schools or other facilities.


2. What does it mean on the job announcement “Job Opens” and “Job Closes” and has a date after each?

That indicates the dates that job Applications for that particular position will be accepted. If an Application arrives after the closing date, it will not be considered.


3. How do I apply for a job with the Agency?

Either go to our website and download an Application for Employment or come by the Central Administration offices at 101 S.P.I.D, Corpus Christi, Texas 78405 to obtain an Application for Employment. Once completed, Applications can be either mailed, faxed, or dropped off at the Central Administration offices. If you prefer, you can also e-mail the Application. Just remember, we must receive the Application by no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day that the job closes.


4. How long does my Application stay active?

You must complete a separate application for each job that you are interested in. Applications are only used for the particular job that you applied for and then filed away. There is no “active” status once the position is filled.


5. How long does the hiring process take?

Unfortunately, it can take anywhere from two to six weeks after the job closes. Occasionally, it may take longer. We contact applicants either by telephone or letter to let them know one way or the other about the position. Unless you hear from us otherwise, consider yourself still under consideration.


6. Can I apply for a job if my sister-in-law works for the Agency now?

Yes. If you have a family member working with our agency you must disclose it during the application process.


7. How often do employees get paid?

We are paid bi-weekly . . . every other Friday.


8. Is there a trial period or probation period when I start working for the Agency?

All new employees have a 90 day Trial Period. That’s a time of increased supervision and assistance to the new employee. We want every new employee to get off on the right foot.


9. When do insurance benefits start?

Health insurance benefits start on the month preceding the 60th day of enrollment if the employee has chosen to enroll in benefits. All other insurance benefits that the employee enrolls in begin on the first day of the month following the employee’s Trial Period of 90 days.


10. Do you have Direct Deposit of my paycheck?

Yes, in fact we prefer to directly deposit your check into your bank account. You will have access to an electronic check stub which shows you the wages, benefits, and sick and annual leave balances.


11. What is Annual Leave, and what is Sick Leave?

Full time regular employees accrue eight hours of paid Annual Leave and eight hours of paid Sick Leave on the first day of each month that they work for us. There are some exceptions. For example, if an employee is off work under the Family Medical Leave Act, no Annual or Sick Leave accrues. Part time regular employees accrue four hours of paid Annual Leave and four hours of paid Sick Leave on the first day of each month that they work for us with the same exceptions. Temporary employees do not accrue Annual Leave or Sick Leave.


12. Can I “bank” my Annual Leave and take off work Leave Without Pay?

No. If you have Annual Leave in your “leave bank”, you cannot take Leave Without Pay (except for disciplinary reasons)


13. Is Nueces County Community Action Agency a part of the Nueces County government?

No. Nueces County Community Action Agency is a Texas Non-profit Corporation. We are one of many Community Action Agencies in the State of Texas. We only serve residents of Nueces County, but we are not part of the County government.


14. How many employees does Nueces County Community Action Agency employ?

We presently have approximately 300 full and part time employees working for our Agency in Head Start, Early Head Start and Community Services Divisions.


15. How do I check on the status of an Application for Employment that I have left with you?

It is difficult, if not impossible, to check the status. Once we receive Applications and the Human Resources Department initially reviews them, they are sent to the specific Department who is seeking a new employee. That Department Coordinator or his/her designee handles the detailed screening and sets up all of the interviewing for applicants. They set their own time and criteria for interviews. The Human Resources Department does not see the Applications again until the Department Coordinator makes a hiring recommendation to us.


16. What is the Agency’s drug and alcohol policy?

Prior to being offered employment with the Agency, an applicant must successfully pass (receive a negative test result) a pre-employment drug test. The drug test will be conducted at the Agency's expense. If the test result is positive, the applicant will not be eligible for employment with the Agency for the next 12 months.NCCAA is a drug free workplace. No alcohol or drugs shall be used on the job. Employees are a most valued part of NCCAA. Their health and safety is a serious concern to our Agency. Drug use and alcohol misuse may pose a serious threat to employee health and safety. It is, therefore, the policy of NCCAA to prevent substance use or abuse from having an adverse effect on our employees. The work environment is safer and more productive without the presence of illicit or inappropriate drugs or alcohol in the body or on NCCAA property. All employees have a right to work in a drug-free environment and to work with individuals free from the effects of prohibited substances. Employees who use or abuse prohibited substances are a danger to themselves, their co-workers, and the public. Violations of this policy will result in immediate termination from employment. Each month, random drug/alcohol test are conducted to insure that our employees are drug/alcohol free.


17. Is a TB test required?

Candidates for employment will be required to obtain and submit an initial TB test from an approved medical provider of his/her choice and at his/her cost before a formal offer of employment is made by the Agency. For any candidate that tests positive, a chest x-ray will be required from an approved medical provider at the cost of the job candidate. If a positive test result occurs from the chest x-ray, the candidate will be disqualified from employment with NCCAA.


18. Must I pass a physical examination?

All new employees must submit a Medical Report test from an approved medical provider of his/her choice prior to the first day of work. The cost of the physical examination is the sole responsibility of the new employee. Thereafter, a physical examination is required each five years of employment.


19. Will the Agency pay for me to go back to school?

An employee may be allowed up to a maximum of four (4) work hours during the workweek for continuing education leave if the approved activity is not offered during non-working hours. All expenses associated for tuition or text books for an approved course will be paid for by the Agency, based on the availability of educational/training funds. Generally, the employee must complete the course and obtain at least a “C” grade. If the employee fails to complete the course, makes a grade less than “C”, or voluntarily leaves the Agency within one year of the end of the course, the Employee must reimburse the Agency for the funds expended in his/her behalf.


20. If I get a job with the Agency, will I have a contract guaranteeing the position?

No. All employment with the Agency is “at will” employment. Like with most Texas employers, your employment with the Agency can and may be terminated voluntarily by the employee and/or the Agency with or without cause at any time for any reason or for no reason at all.


21. How many holidays do employees get?

Currently, employees enjoy twelve paid holidays each year.

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